Awareness-raising on Antimicrobial Resistance: Report of global consultation meetings
World Health Organisation
I beat an antibiotic-resistant infection – but only just
How do we change behaviour around antimicrobial resistance?
Uppsala University
CIDRAP Podcast
In the locker room and in the hospital: MRSA
Superbugs and You:
True Stories from Scientists and Patients Around the Globe
A courageous battle against antibiotic resistance
An interview by the Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership (GARDP)
What Do You Do When Your Doctor Tells You Not To Google?
An article was written by e-Patient Scholar Marie Ennis-O’Connor for the Powerful Patients Network
Actions We Must Take | Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition
A video produced for the UN High-Level meeting for AMR, 29 April by the Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition
Tackling AMR: A high-level interactive dialogue
A video about patient survivors for the UN High-Level meeting for AMR on 29 April by Longitude Prize
Vanessa Carter: 3 years of surviving a drug-resistant infection made me want to create change
An interview with React Group Africa
How do we change behaviour around antimicrobial resistance?
A podcast interview with Uppsala University Health Summit
All Things AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance)
A podcast interview with Edwin Panford-Quainoo
My Journey as an ABR Survivor: Lessons
Prevent-it webinar series, India
The Wearables Expert
The Wearables Expert ™ Interviews Vanessa Carter
Resistance Fighters
Vanessa Carter, Antibiotic Resistance e-Patient Scholar | Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition
Yahoo News
Mother, 42, reveals car crash left her battling an antibiotic-resistant infection
Saturday Star, South Africa
Sanitiser superbug: Concern over disinfectant-resistant bacteria which could cause another pandemic
British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC)
Speaking from experience: Why involving patients is vital if we’re serious about tackling AMR
Imperial College London
Raising Awareness of AMR during lockdown
Wellcome Trust – SEDRIC
The Global Response to Drug-resistance Infections Webinar
Turning the unknown into common knowledge in the race to limit antimicrobial resistance
Antibiotic Research UK
Stories from the frontline of antibiotic resistance during COVID-19 – Longitude Prize Report 2020
React Africa
World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2020
11 Health IT Leaders to Follow
Zenith Global Health – Precious Moments Podcast
What is Antibiotic Resistance? Why we should care. A patient perspective.
FDI World Dental Federation Future Learn Course
Tackling Antibiotic Resistance: What Should Dentists Do?
Imperial College London
Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance: A Social Science Approach
Ikana Media
Antimicrobial Resistance: An online course for everyone
ReAct Africa and Africa CDC webinar
Presentation: What civil society organisations can learn from the COVID-19 infodemic for antimicrobial resistance
The Health Design Podcast
A patient narrative for antimicrobial resistance
COVID-19: One Health Lessons For The Future: #hcsmSA Twitter chat review
The Appian Project
South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) and Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FINDdx)
Global leaders converge from across Africa to counter AMR and to help the global fight
Emergency Live
Ukukhulula amandla kwisigulana esidijithali
(Releasing the power of the digital patient)
Philips Tweetchat
How will better AI ensure better patient care | #Philipschat
Omnia Health – Informa Markets
Considering e-Patients in the age of digital consumerism
ASPIRES – Imperial College London
International collaborative networks to optimise infection-related outcomes
Standard Bank – Top Women Awards
Getting Africa into Top Tech Condition
Africa CDC and React Africa
Key Take-Aways from a Civil Society Capacity Building Meeting held in Kenya for Antimicrobial Resistance in Africa
World Health Organisation
Vanessa’s long journey with a drug-resistant infection
World Health Organisation: Prof. Benedetta Allegranzi (IPC/WHO HQ)
Minimum requirements for starting the implementation of the WHO core
components of infection prevention and control programmes: a new approach
Bode Science Centre
Research for Infection Prevention
DRASA Health Trust
Supporting the Fight Against Superbugs with Africa CDC
Imperial College London
Becoming a patient advocate for antimicrobial resistance
Bulawayo 24 News
HIV, TB, STIs wreak havoc in SA
International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control
How and why was #ICPIC2019 a patient-included event?
Wellcome Trust
World Antibiotic Awareness Week Patient Advocacy Campaign 2019
Longitude Prize
Q&A: Drug-resistant MRSA survivor describes advocacy journey
Foundation for New Diagnostics (FINDdx)
Voices for Diagnostics in AMR award winners press release
What is an e-Patient?
A radio interview with Rise FM 94.3 South Africa
Science & Tech feature: – Govt urged to use the power of digital in delivery of health care for all Guest: Vanessa Carter
An interview with Cape Talk, South Africa
Q&A: Drug-resistant MRSA survivor describes patient journey
An interview with Vanessa Carter and the Longitude Prize, UK
The global impact of health IT:
Featuring Vanessa Carter, e-Patient Scholar as a co-moderator during the #HITsm Twitter chat
Unleashing the Digital Patient
Explanation about e-Patients as a lead up to Africa Health 2019 (#AfricaHealthExb)
Prescribing Social Media for Doctors
An interview with eHealthNewsZA
Patient Empowerment Network
What does it mean to be an empowered patient?
Intermountain Healthcare interview at HIMSS17
Interview with Intermountain Healthcare at HIMSS17 about Patient Engagement in a Digital Age
Exploring Global Health IT in the name of Antibiotic Resistance
A global Tweetchat held on the 30th of November 2018
It’s going to take a collaborative effort in e-Health
Stanford University blog featuring Vanessa Carter
What it means to be a good digital citizen
Quote featured on blog
How to become an Antibiotic Guardian for Animal Health
Featured on the National Animal Health Forum, South Africa
Philips: HIMSS17
Interview at HIMSS17 with Philips
How we’re fighting Antimicrobial Resistance in South Africa
An e-Patient perspective on design thinking: eHealthNewsZA
Understanding patient-centred design and digital innovation in South Africa and The Canadian Press
A patient’s call for more education around excessive antibiotic use and superbugs
Society of Participatory Medicine
Closing the Gaps in South African Health with e-Patients
Celebrating our differences
An interview with Doctors 2.0 and You about liberty in healthcare globally
Social Spotlight on the hcsmSA founder and moderator, Vanessa Carter
An interview on
Healthcare Conferences – An e-Patient Perspective
Interview with (USA)
Considering facial differences as part of your diversity and inclusion strategy in South Africa
Article about the issues pertaining to the employment sector for disabled citizens
Social Innovation in South Africa’s health care sector using TweetChats
An abstract submitted to the Medicine and the Arts MOOC by the University of Cape Town
Story of a facial reconstruction ePatient from South Africa
Le Demain – French Interview (Doctors 2.0 & You, 2015)
Why Should Health Care be online in South Africa
Improving online resources for health care globally
An interview with Philips at HIMSS17 in Orlando, USA
Innovation matters in health IT
An interview with Meditech
Empowering Patients with Digital Technologies and Design Thinking
An interview with HealthITnews
The Art of Medicine and Health IT at HIMSS17
Interdisciplinary craniofacial teams for facial difference patients in South Africa
An abstract submitted to the Medicine and the Arts MOOC by the University of Cape Town
Symplur analytics
Healthcare Conferences: A Patient Perspective